//Economics Department profile

Economics Department profile

  1. Name of the Department: Department of Economics

The Department of Economics was established in June 1984 . The department offers a programme – Bachelor of Arts in Economics. Besides, the academic activities, the faculty from the department constantly keep motivating the students for the curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. The teachers from the department are very keen on developing the overall personality of the students and therefore keep them engaged in various activities run by the department. Hundred percent of the faculty from the department is research oriented. So far, Dr. Y.P. Jadhav has total 21 years of teaching experience. He is the Head of the Department and he has published 1 Book Chapter, 15 Research Papers in National and International Peer Reviewed journals and presented 03 research papers in International and National Seminars, conferences and webinars, participated in 12 seminars and conferences and workshops. Dr.S.B. Kalnar has total 05 years of teaching experience. He has published 06 Research Papers in National and International Peer Reviewed journals and presented 03 research papers in International and National Seminars, conferences and webinars. Mr.K.S.Tidake has total 05 years of teaching experience. He has published 04 Research Papers in National and International Peer Reviewed journals.                                    

  1. Names of Programmes / Courses offered:
Name of the Programme Year of Introduction of Programme Duration of Programme Intake
B.A. Economics 1984 3 Years 120
  1. Names and Participation of the department with Interdisciplinary courses
Name of the Department Programme Course Name
Economics B.A. Economics
B.Com. Business Economics (Micro & Macro)
M.Com Industrial Economics
  1. Number of teaching posts
Total Posts Sanctioned Filled
02 02 01
  1. Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation:
Name of Teacher Designation Full time/ Temporary No of posts sanctioned

No of posts


        Dr.Y.P.Jadhav Assistant Professor Full Time 02 01
 Dr. S.B. Kalnar Assistant Professor Grant CHB
Mr. K.S. Tidake Assistant Professor Grant CHB


  1. Qualifications of teaching faculty with DSc/ D.Litt./ Ph.D. / M.Phil.
Ph.D. M. Phil. PG with SLET/NET
02 01 01
  1. Faculty as members in a) National committees b) International Committees c) Editorial Boards:
Name of the Faculty National /International/ Other Committee / Editorial Board
  Dr.Y.P.Jadhav Member of Marathi Arthshastra Parishad
  1. Awards / Recognitions received by students:

Anand Halnor And Siddharth Pawar Has Select to Avishkar Competition In Zonal Level .


Year Name of the students UG/PG Name of the Event Rank
2023-24 1.Anand Halnor

2.Siddharth Pawar


Avishkar Competition           –
  1. Seminars/ Conferences/Workshops organized & the source of funding (National level workshop):
Sr. No. Title of the Seminar/ Webinar Level Date /Period
1   “Intellectual Property Rights” National

One Day Webinar


  1. Student progression (For years 2019-2024)
Student progression Against % enrolled
UG to PG 05
Employed  Other than campus recruitment 06
  1. Details of Infrastructural facilities:
a) Internet facilities for Staff & Students 01
  1. Teaching methods adopted to improve student learning:

Interactive Lecture Method, Use of ICT i.e. PPT, You-Tube Videos, E-notes, Use of Computer, LCD

Projector, Use of WhatsApp Groups etc.

  1. Participation in Institutional Social Responsibility and Extension activities:

       Give details of “beyond syllabus scholarly activities” of the department

1.Guest Lectures

2.Student Participation in Avishkar

3.Student Participation in cultural activities

  1. SWOC analysis of the department and Future plans: (two points for each)


* Organization of Guest Lectures, Seminars for quality enhancements of the students

* Organization of Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC)

* Continuous internal evaluation of the students through home assignments, interactions etc.

* Participation of students in Avishkar Research Poster competition

* Use of ICT tools in teaching.


* Lack Of Private  Scholarship by Private Funding Agency.


 *  Students getting more job opportunities in various fields.

 *  Students has enough opportunity for Self Employment..

*   Students have get better opportunities in Share trading market and other  investment field.


*  New National Education Policy Implementation

* To make able the students to use economic concept while practical works.

*  To improve self confidence among the students.

* To make rural students aware of the validity and  education.

                Future plans of the department:

  •     To Explore the possibility Of starting Post – Graduation In Economics.
  •    To Develop the Departmental Library
  •     Organized The Seminars And Workshops.
  •    The Arrange Tour In Capital Market.
