

Anti-Ragging Cell

College aims to provide an environment where there are no barriers to student success and progression. If a student’s behaviour prevents others from feeling safe, secure, respected and able to learn effectively then this may result in disciplinary action. The purpose of this policy is to ensure that all instances of student misconduct are dealt with fairly and consistently and provide a clear procedure to guide both staff and students.

Ragging is prohibited under the section {2} of section 1 of the Maharashtra Prohibition of Ragging act, 1999 {Man. XXXIII of 1999).

The Regulators of higher education UGC have also noted promptly by making the necessary Rules and Regulations to curb the menace of ragging in all the educational institutions.

The Anti-Ragging Committee is constituted as per the provisions contained in Clause 6.3(a) of the UGC Regulations on Curbing the Menace of Ragging in Higher Educational Institutions in the year 2009.

What is Ragging?


  • Misconduct of any student either in spoken or written form or any action that has the effect of harming others.
  • Indulging in undisciplined activities that cause physical or psychological harm or fear or apprehension
  • Asking others to do things that they normally will not do and causes a sense of shame or emotional embarrassment.
  • Any act that disrupts the others academic activity by any senior student
  • Financial extortion or forceful monetary burden on a fresher or any other student.
  • Any act of physical abuse including sexual, homosexual assaults, stripping of clothes, forcing lewd acts and gestures causing physical and mental torture.
  • Any act of abuse by spoken words, emails, posts, public insults to derive sadistic pleasure.
  • Any act that affects the mental health and self confidence of any student with or without an intent to derive sadistic pleasure or priority over others.

Ragging, as defined by the Honourable Supreme Court of India in its landmark judgment in 2001, is 

“Any disorderly conduct whether by words  spoken  or written  or  by  an  act which has the effect of teasing, treating or handling with rudeness any other student, indulging in rowdy  or undisciplined activities which causes or is likely to cause annoyance, hardship or psychological harm or to raise fear or apprehension thereof in a fresher or a junior student or  asking  the  students  to  do  any  act  or perform something which such student will not in the ordinary course and which has the effect of causing or generating a sense of shame or embarrassment so as to adversely affect the physique or psyche of a fresher or a junior student.”

Anti-Ragging Committee at College Level

In pursuance to the judgment of the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India dated 8-5-2009 in civil Appeal No. 887/2009, the UGC framed “UGC Regulations on curbing the menace of ragging in higher educational Institutions, 2009” which were notified on 17th June 2009, Our College has designed Anti-Ragging Cell.

College ensures that a congenial and welcoming environment is given to the freshers. To achieve this objective following committee has been formed by the Institute as per UGC Regulation 2009.

Anti ragging Cell is to establish measures for Prohibiting, Preventing and Punishing Activities of Ragging menace within and outside the campus in accordance with UGC Regulations, Supreme Court Directives, Savitribai Phule University Regulations and State Act.


1. Principal Nodal Officer (02550) 275-219
2. Dr. S. Y. Sardar Coordinator 9423962911
3. Dr. P. R. Bhadane Member 9404736196
4. Dr. Y. P. Jadhav Member 9423970175
5. Dr. D. S. Godge Member 9881856185
6. Dr. U. V. Sorte Member 9822882676
7. Dr. D. P. Saudagar Member 8446357232
8. Dr. S. K. Aware Member 9422292848


 National Anti-Ragging Help Line:

1800-180-5522 (24×7 Toll free)
Email: helpline@antiragging.in


Any case related to ragging reported by a student to the Anti Ragging Committee, will be subject to an enquiry where cross examination will be held to know the exact situation whereby the complainant and the accused will be given an opportunity of being heard. The committee will review the facts and figures relevant to the case and will give its decision within 7 days from the date of complaint.

Punishments For Ragging

 All the students were informed about the following administrative actions taken if anyone found guilty in the ragging cases:

  • Suspension from attending classes and academic privileges.
  • Withholding/withdrawing scholarship/fellowship and other benefits.
  • Debarring from appearing in any test/examination or other evaluation process.
  • Withholding results.
  • Debarring from representing the institution in any regional, national or international meet, tournament, youth festival, etc.
  • Cancellation of admission
  • Rustication from the institution for period ranging from one to four semesters
  • Expulsion from the institution and consequent debarring from admission to any other institution for a specified period
  • Provided that where the persons committing or abetting the act of ragging are not identified, the Institution shall resort to collective punishment.