//Chemistry Department Profile

Chemistry Department Profile

  1. Name of the Department: Post Graduate Department of Chemistry
  2. Year of Establishment: 1984            
  3. Names of Programs / Courses offered (UG, PG, M.Phil., Ph.D., Integrated Masters; Integrated Ph.D., etc.):
UG PG Other
Certificate courses


  1. Names and Participation of the department with Interdisciplinary courses
Name of the Department Program Course Name
Botany BSc Environmental Awareness


  1. Courses in collaboration with other universities, industries, foreign institutions: Nil
  2. Number of teaching posts


Posts Sanctioned Filled
Assistant Professors 05 02


  1. Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, specialization:
Name Qualification Designation Specialization No. of Years of


Dr. M. P. Dushing MSc, PhD,  NET Asst. Prof. Organic Chemistry 12
Mr. K. U. Chavan MSc, NET Asst. Prof Organic Chemistry 05
Dr. J. S. Patil MSc, PhD, SET Asst. Prof. Organic Chemistry 11
Dr. B. K. Ghotekar MSc, PhD, SET Asst. Prof Organic Chemistry 10
Mr. V. D. Jadhav MSc, MPhil Asst. Prof. Analytical Chemistry 08
Miss. C. B. Pawar MSc, SET, BEd Asst. Prof Physical Chemistry 07
Smt. M. H. Magar MSc, SET, BEd Asst. Prof. Inorganic Chemistry 05
Smt. V. J. Ushir MSc Asst. Prof Physical Chemistry 05
Mr. S. P. Mahale MSc Asst. Prof Organic Chemistry 01


  1. Qualifications of teaching faculty with DSc/ D.Litt/ Ph.D/ MPhil / PG.
Qualifications of teaching faculty
Ph.D. M. Phil. PG with SLET/NET PG
03 01 06 09


  1. List of senior visiting faculty:
Sr. No. Name and designation of faculty Address
1. Prof. V. D. Bobade (Professor) Retired faculty of RYK College, Nashik
2. Prof. A. V. Borhade (Professor) Retired faculty of RYK College, Nashik
3. Prof. S. R. Labhade (Professor) KTHM College, Nashik
4. Dr. Masum Deshmukh (Chemist) Arny Analytics, Nashik
5. Dr. Bhausaheb Dhokale (Scientist) University of Wyoming
6. Dr. Sandesh Kasar (Asst. Prof.) ASC College, Akole


  1. Number of faculty with ongoing projects from a) National b) International funding agencies and grants received: Nil
  2. Departmental projects funded by DST – FIST; UGC, DBT, ICSSR, etc. & total grants received: Nil
  3. Publications
Name of the Faculty Research Papers Total


Total Citation H Index
International National Proceeding
Dr. M. P. Dushing 04 02 04 92 4
Mr. K. U. Chavan 01 01
Dr. J. S. Patil 04 04
Dr. B. K. Ghotekar 16 03 00 19 183 9
Mr. V. D. Jadhav 03 03 01
Smt. C. B. Pawar 04 04
Smt. M. H. Magar 04 04
  1. No. of Books Published: 01 and No. of Edited Books: 01
  2. Areas of consultancy and income generated:
  3. Faculty as members in a) National committees b) International Committees c) Editorial Boards:
Name of the Faculty National /International/ Other Committee / Editorial Board
Dr. M. P. Dushing Life Member of Indian Science Congress


  1. Student projects:
  2. Percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter departmental/programme: 0%
  3. Percentage of students placed for projects in organizations outside the institution i.e.in Research laboratories/Industry/ other agencies: 20%
  4. List of eminent academicians and scientists/visitors to the department
  5. Seminars/ Conferences/Workshops organized & the source of funding (National level workshop).
Sr. NO. Name of the No. of participants and Expenditure
1. Online International Conference on Career and Research Opportunities in Chemistry 102


  1. How many students have cleared national and state competitive examinations such as NET, SET/SLET, GATE, Civil services, Defense services, etc.?
Examination NET SET/SLET Other Competitive Exam
No. of Students 0 0 0


  1. Student progression (For years 2019-2024)
Student progression Against % enrolled
UG to PG 40%
PG to M.Phil. 0
PG to Ph.D. 0
Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral 0

• Campus selection

• Other than campus recruitment

Entrepreneurship/Self-employment 10%


  1. Details of Infrastructural facilities:
a) Departmental Library 325
b) Internet facilities for Staff & Students Yes
c) Class rooms with ICT facility 2
d) Laboratories 3
e) Seminar Hall 1
f) Research Laboratory 1
  1. Teaching methods adopted to improve student learning:

Chalk & Talk, Seminar, Power Point, Own YouTube Links, Ball stick models

  1. Participation in Institutional Social Responsibility and Extension activities:

Running Soil and Water Testing facility for the nearby farmers

  1. SWOC analysis of the department and Future plans: (two points for each)
  • Strengths
  • Well experienced and qualified staff
  • Sufficient instruments and glass wares
  • Departmental library for students
  • Research Laboratory
  • Well-equipped laboratories
  • Weaknesses
  • Insufficient advanced instruments
  • Smart classroom
  • Rural and irregular students
  • Opportunities
  • To start dairy products and business
  • To start fertilizers and pesticides startups/shops
  • To guide students for preparation various competitive examinations
  • Challenges
  • Developing skill in students which helps to coverage any industrial and research field.
  • Providing best foundation to the students desiring to develop career in higher education.
  • To develop ecofriendly approach in the students and make them responsible students.
  • To develop research attitude among students in various national-international institutes.
  • Future Plan
  • Soil and water analysis in rural area of the farmers.
  • To start certificate course for chemistry students.
  • Preparation of virtual learning laboratory.
  • To organize international conference-seminars.
  • To established research cell.
  • To developed well established departmental laboratory.
  • Computerized store room for chemical