///Physics Department Profile

Physics Department Profile

  1. Name of the Department: –Physics
  2. Year of Establishment: –June1984.
  3. Names of the Programs/courses offered
Sr. No. UG PG PG
Sem-III TYBSc (2019-20) MSc(I) (2020-21) MSc-II (2021-22)
1 Mathematical Methods in Physics 1.       Mathematical methods in physics 1.Satistical Mechanics


2 Solid State Physics 2.classical mechanics 2.Solid State Physics
3 Classical Mechanics 3 Electronics 3.Experimental Technique in physics-I
4 Atomic and Molecular Physics 4 Physics of Nanomaterials 4.Energy Studies-I
5 Computational Physics 5.Practial –Lab-I (Electronics) 5 Phy-LABIII(C-PROG)
6 Elective B: -Material Science (CBCS) 6.Skill Enhancement Course: -Robotics-I 6.Skill Enhancement Course: -Robotics-I
7 Lab-I-Physics Practical

Lab-II-Physics Practical


7. Cyber Security-I

8.Skill Enhancement: -Human Rights I

7. Cyber Security-II

8.Skill Enhancement: -Human Rights II

Sem: -IV   Sem: -II Sem: -IV
1 Classical Electrodynamics Electrodynamics


1.Nuclear Physics
2 Quantum Mechanics Atoms and Molecules 2.Experimental Technique in Physics-II
3 Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics Quantum Mechanics 3LlASER
4 Nuclear Physics Thin Film 4.Energy Studies-:-II
5 Electronics-II Phy Lab-II 5.Project
6 Elective: -Lasers (CBCS) Skill Enhancement Course: -Robotics-II 6.Robotics-II
7 Lab-I-Physics Practical Cyber Security-II Cyber Security-IV
Lab-II-Physics Practical Introduction To Constitution

As Per NEP 2020, the New Syllabus for MSc-I, Implemented From 2023-24

Sr.No. MSc-I(Sem-I) MSc-I(Sem-II)
1 1.Quantum Physics Solid state Of Physics
2 2.Satstical Physics Electrodynamics
3 3.Mathematical Methods in Physics Atomic and Molecular Physics
4 4Communication Physics Basic Electronics
5 5.Research Methodology. Laser physics: -Theory
6 6.Communication physics- practical Laser Physics-Practical
7 7. Research Methodology-Practical Basic Physics lab Practical :-I
8 8. Basic Physics lab Practical :-I On Job Training (OJT)
9 Human Rights-I Human Rights-II
10 Cyber security-I Cyber security-II

4.Names and Participation of the department with Interdisciplinary courses.

Name of the Department Programme Course Name
Physics Second Year BSc. Environmental Awareness

5.Courses with collaboration with other Universities, industries, foreign Institutions: -02(MOU). Signed with the Industries.

  1. a) Dastek Engineers, Nasik: –Address: -M-57, Ambad, Nasik. The MOU Was signed on 12/07/2021. Dastek engineers are established in 2004 with exposure to requirements of Mechanism components/sub assays for medium to high voltage switchgear including GIS Manufacturing and Development of all types of jigs and Fixtures. It provides Turnkey work from tooling to components development and supply. It handles all types of materials machining: -from Ferrous to non-ferrous, All Types of steels, aluminium, copper, titanium and its Alloy. It provides Training on Electrical Switchgear parts, Instruments in Electrical work, to our student, by organizing Industrial visit and Organizing Lecture.
  2. b) G.B. Softronics solutions, Ambad, Nasik.: –403, Sarthak Garima, Shikrushna Nagar. Nasik. on 12/07/2021 the MOU was signed with our college. G.B. Softronics contribute the capabilities and Talent in the Global growing IT Industry, it provides software training in embedded systems and python programming, IOT Device. Provide Technical skilled Persons, by Guiding Students.

6.Number of Teaching Posts

Designation Sanctioned Filled
Associate Prof. 03 03
Assistant Prof. 02 01
Grant C.H.B. 01


  1. Faculty profile with name, qualification, Designation, Specialization: –
Name Qualification Designation Specialization No. of Years of Experience
Dr S.R. Gadakh MSc, PhD, ADCSSA Officiating Principal Physics 34 Years (UG),22 Years(PG)
Dr S.B. Nahire MSc, PhD Prof. Physics Retired
Smt. B.P. Bhangale MSc, ADCSSA Associate prof. Physics with Electronics 35
Dr S.Y. Sardar MSc, PhD. Associate Prof. Physics 31
Smt. V.S. Shimpankar MSc. Assistant Prof. Physics 9 years
Dr M.D. Dhikale MSc, PhD Assistant Prof. Physics 5 years
Mr D.S. Nikule MSc. Assistant Prof. Physics 2 years 5 months.
Smt. C.H. Sutar MSc. Assistant Prof. Physics 2 year 5 months.
Smt. A.A. Purkar MSc. Assistant Prof. Physics 1 year 4 months
 Smt. M.B. Khapare MSc. Assistant Prof. Physics 1 year


8.Qualification of Teaching faculty with DSc/D.Lit./PhD/MPhil/PG.

04 03 04


  1. List of senior visiting faculty.

1.Dr. Amol Rahane, Assistant Prof. K.T.H.M. College Nasik. Visited to our college in 2020-21, for Conducting Lectures for MSc (II), on “Robotics” for first semester.

  1. Prof. S S Purkar Delivered a Lecture on ‘Electrical and Electronics Equipment’ and ‘Instruments used in Dastek Eng Pvt Ltd’, Ambad.
  2. Publications.
Name of the Faculty Research Papers        


 International       National Proceedings Total publication H-Index Edited Books/
Total Citation

Impact Factor

Dr S.R. Gadakh 11 01 17 05 02 140
Dr S.B. Nahire 04 03 04 11 0.925
Dr M.D. Dhikale 01 0.925
Dr S.Y. Sardar 03 01 7.328
Smt. B.P. Bhangale 01 01


Smt. V.S. Shimpankar 02 02





D.S. Nikule  




  1. Faculty as members in a) National committees b) International committees c) Editorial Bords.
Name of the Faculty National committees b) International committees c) Editorial Bords.
Dr S.R. Gadakh

1) Member Board of studies (BOS) SPPU Pune 2018-2022

2) Life member of “Materials Research Society of India”, Membership No-LMB3741

Dr S.B. Nahire Member of IAPT Indian Association of Physics Teachers



  1. Student Projects: –
  2. a) Percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter departmental/programme.:
    100 %

1) In TY BSc Physics curriculum student has complete a project for 2 credits in each semester. Teachers
guide Them for completing the projects.
2) A student of MSc (II) has to complete a project for 4 credits in last semester.

  1. b) Percentage of students placed for projects in organizations outside the institution i.e. in Research laboratories/Industry/Other agencies.: Not Fixed

Projects are performed in college laboratory only, but if External Laboratory facility is required, then students can approach for completing their work.

  1. Awards /Recognitions received by faculty and students.
  2. a) Awards /Recognitions received by faculty: –

Dr S.R. Gadakh-                1) Recognized as PhD Guide by SPPU.

2) Research Guide -5 students are   working for PhD; 02 students have completed M.Phil. Degree.

3) Reviewer of 6 reputed international journals.

Dr S.B. Nahire: –                1) Recognized as Professor in 2020-21

Dr M.D. Dhikale: –            1) Awarded Ph.D. in 2020-21

2)Research Supervisor for Guidance; for the Project Approved from DST, Guide for Ku. Spandan Babar, SYBSc Physics.       

  1. b) Awards /Recognitions received by students-(2019-2024)
Year Name of the student UG/PG Name of the Event Rank
2019-20 1) Taware Ashwani Appa (FYBSc)

2) Sevkar Pratiksha B. (FYBSc)

3)Wagh Pranjal Santosh (S.Y.Bsc)

4)Jadhav Priyanka Vijay (SYBSc)


PPT Presentation Competition held at Physics Seminar Organized by IPA AT Balasaheb Jadhav Arts, Commerce and Science College, Ale, Tal-Juunar Dist- Pune, On-11/01/2020.
2021-22 1.       Tejas Tajane UG (TYBSc) 1.Nasik Maha Marathon,21 km.

2.Green Mind,5 km. Marathon.

3.National Sports Champiyanship,200 mt.

Gold Medal

Gold Medal

Bronze Medal.

2022-23 1.Sakshi Sanjay Deshmukh

2.Prjkta Chintamani Gholave

3.Gayatri Valu Jondhale.

4.Sejal Prabhakar Mahale


Avishkar competition.




Zonal Level

2023-24 1.       Kumar- Spandan Babar UG (SYBSc)) GMRT, Online Project Competition, State Level
2.       Bacchav Janhvi Bhausaheb

3.       Bombale Prajkta



Avishkar Competition Zonal level


  1. List of eminent academicians and Scientists/Visitors to the Department.: –
  2. Mr. Pramod Amrut Patil: -Visited as Resource Person, to Delivered a Lecture on “ELECTIRIC Vehicle”, on 08/10/2021.

2.Prof.Subhas s. Purkar, K.T.H.M. College, Department of Physics, Visited to physics department on Celebration of National Science Day on 28 th feb.2022.

3.Dr. N.U. Patil, Prof, Department of Physics, visited as Examiner for Avishkar Competition, on 2021-22.

4.Dr. Ganesh Mogal, Prof. Department of Physics, A.S.C. College, Nandgaon, delivered lecture on “Flipped classroom”, on //2023-24.

5.Dr. S.D. Dhole, Department of Physics, S.P.P.U., Pune, Invited as Resource Person for two days National Conference on” Implementation of New Educational Policy in Agriculture Sector” on 28/02/23.

6.Dr K.B. Patil, Director, Jain Irrigation Systems Ltd, Jalgaon, Scientist, Research and Development, Visited as Resource Person for “Two Days National Conference on, Implementation of New Education Policy in Agricultural Sector”, on 28/02/23.

7.Dr Rajaram B. Patil, Senior Scientist, Head, Krushivigyan Kendra, Y.C.M.O.U, Nasik, Visited as Resource Person for Two Days National Conference on “Implementation of New Education Policy in Agriculture Sector” on 27/02/23.

8.Dr P.P. Khandagale, Scintist and Prof, Plant Pathalogy Dept., Oil, and seed Research Station, Jalgaon (Maharashtra) invited as Resource Person for Two Days National Conference on – “Implementation of New Education Policy in Agriculture Sector” on 28/02/23.

9.Dr Pramod Namdeo Rasal, Former Dean, Faculty of Agriculture and Director, M.P.K.V. Rahuri, (Maharashtra) Invited as Resource Person for Two Days National Level Workshop on “Implementation of New Education Policy in Agriculture sector”, on 27/02/23.

  1. Seminars/Conferences/Workshops Organized and the source of Funding (National level Workshop)
  2. State level Work shop on “Issues, Challenges and Opportunities in Electric Vehicle”, Organized on 8/10/2020.Online Webinar.
  3. Two Days National Level Conference on “Implementation of NEP 2020 In Agricultural Sector”. Organized on 28th feb.2023.
  4. One Week Workshop on “Solar Energy, Equipment and Instruments”, on 22/01/24 to 27/01/24.
  5. How many students have cleared national and state competitive examinations such as NET, SET/SLET, GATE, civil services, Defence services, etc.
No. of Students


1. Sunil Dighe
(Forest Exam)
2. Tajne Tejus (Army)


17.Student Progression: From -2019 to 2023-24

Student Progression Against % Enrolled
  2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24
Number of students admitted in previous year 19 21 23 16 08
UG to PG 08 (42.10%) 13(61.90%) 11(47.82%) 11(68.75%) 02(25%)
PG To M.Phil.
PhD to Post doc.
Employed 38.09% 1(0.06%) 1(12.5%)
Campus Selection
Other than campus recruitment
Entrepreneurship/self -employment 4(25%) 2(25%)


  1. Details of Infrastructure Facility: -1) Central Library has —- reference Books.2) Text Books—-.
a)    Departmental Lib. Total 250 books, EFY Magazines -50, CD =50, Software like Python Programming, Turbo-C, Advanced C++,
b) Internet Facilities for staff and students Total 09 computers,02printers,01 LCD Projector, LAN Network.
c) Classrooms with ICT Facility 01
d) Laboratories For UG – 02, For PG-01, Total 03 Labs Including Dark Room.
e) Seminar Hall Auditorium Hall
f) Research Laboratory. 01
g) Research Instruments and Major Equipment Digital Oscilloscope, Michelson Interferometer, Four -Probe Apparatus, Two -Probe Apparatus, Electron Spin Resonance App. Goey’s Method App., Viscosity Measurement App, Hall-probe App., Function Generators, Planck’s Constant App. Gas Sensing Unit, G.M. COUNTER, LUX- Meter, Sound Measurement Meter (D.B. Meter), Instruments Based on Solar Energy-Solar cooker, Solar Dryer, Solar Parabolic Cooker, Solar still.


  1. Details on student enrichment programme: –

Study Tour, Avishkar Competition, N.S.S. Activity, N.C.C. Activity, Sports Activity, Cultural Activity, MVP YUVASPANDAN Programme, Societal Survey, Exhibition Visit. Participation of Students in quiz Competition. Participation of Student in soft skill Development.

Year Activity Participants
2019-20 Cultural Programme-Rangoli Competition 06, Sonar Bhavna Pradip-First Prize. (TYBSc-Physics)
Elocution Competition 01, Patil Deepali (TYBSc -Physics)
Talent Hunt Competition-(G.K.) 02, Arati Badke (TYBSc -Physics), Bhosale Snehal- TYBSc -Physics)
 State-Level on-line quiz competition- 05, All TYBSc Physics Students

1)Bhavna Sonar

2)Dhikale Kaveri

3)Patil Deepali

4)Shelar Anjali

5)Dhikale Kaveri.

2020-21  1. Induction Programme-For
FYBSc students. 2.       Farewell Event for MSc students.3.       Organized study tour at Sahyadri-Farm, Mohadi, Tal-Dindori.

All FYBSc Students.

All MSc (Physics) Students.

F.Y./S.Y./T.Y./MSc students

2021-22 1.Science Day Exhibition.: -Poster Presentation.


2.Send-off for MSc and T.Y.BSC students.

3.Study Tour: –



1)Anjali Shelar (MSc-II)

2)Santosh Dhighe (MSc-II)

3)Priyanka Jadhav. (MSc-I)

All TYBSc and MSc Students.



 1.Science Day Exhibition: -Poster competition

2.Aviskar Competition

3.Study Tour: -F.Y./S.Y./T.Y. Students, Place: -Mumbai, Visited Nehru Planetarium, Gate-Way of India, Girgaon Chaupati.

1)Sejal Mahale

02, MSc Students: -Sakshi Desmukh

Prajkta Gholve.

04, S.Y.Bsc Students.


1.Soft skill Development Programme

2. Avishkar Competition

 04, T.Y.BSC Students

06, MSc Students.

02, MSc Students: -1. Sakshi D


  1. Teaching Methods adopted to improve student learning: –
  2. ICT Enabled Teaching: -LCD Projector, Computer Internet is Provided to staff and students. Students’ seminar, ppt presentations are for students.
  3. Use of Internet: -Internet Service is provided to students and Faculty Members.

3.Use of INFLIBNET: -For MSc Students, User ID and Passwords are given, so they Access INFLIBNET, Membership is Provided to them.

  1. Use of Charts and models: –

5.Organization of   Seminar, Workshop, Lectures by visiting faculty.

6.Demonstration of Practical using Internet, Using Simulation.

  1. Experiential Leaning.


  1. Participation in Institutional Social Responsibility and Extension: –

1.Faculty Members are Participated in all programs organized by Parent Institute and college.

  1. Every year, Faculty members participated in Tree Plantation programme, Blood Donation Camp. Participate in all programmes organized by N.S.S.
  2. Every Year, Department Organize Solar Awareness Programme, to aware about Energy conservation, Use of solar Equipment and Instruments Used in Agriculture; as our college is situated nearby Rural Area, having Agricultural background.
  3. World Earth Day-Celebration and organized a lecture by Prof. B.P. Bhangale.

25.SWOC Analysis of the Department and Future Plans: –

  1. Strengths: – 1. Experienced Teaching Staff.

2.Laboteries are equipped with latest Instruments.

  1. Departmental Library having 250 books.
  2. Good computing facility

2 Weaknesses: – 1. Less research funding

2.Lack of seminar room.

  1. Less no. of students enrolled.

3 Opportunities: -1. The level of Academic excellence which the Department of Physics has acquired makes it possible for our students to get entry into institutes of global repute.

  1. The Department of Physics can strengthen the AI and Data Analysis capabilities of the students.
  2. Challenges: –1) To remove fear of Physics from the minds of students, to make the subject more interesting and enjoyable by adapting new teaching methodologies.

2) To attract meritorious students.

5: -Future plans: –

1)To motivate students to pursue higher studies and research.

2) Development of digital classroom,

3) Sign more MOUs, search for funding to undertake research projects