//Physical Education Papers Presented

Physical Education Papers Presented

Research Papers in Peer- Reviewed or UGC listed Journals by Mr. D. P. Saudagar

Sr. No Title of the Article/ Paper Name of the journal Whether you are the main Author No. of Coauthors ISSN No. Impact Factor
1 यौगिक प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रमाचा १२ ते १४ वर्ष वयोगटातील जिम्नॅस्टीक खेळाडूंच्या लवचिकता  व तोल या घटकांवर होणार्या परिणामांचा अभ्यास (2019-20) Current Global Reviewer Yes 01 2319-8648 7.139
2 पुणे जिल्ह्यातील राष्ट्रीय रायफल शुटींग खेळाडूंच्या कार्यमानावर निवडक प्राणायामाचा होणाऱ्या परिणामांचा अभ्यास


Nibandha Mala


Yes 01 2277-2359 5.1
3 प्राणायामाचा तिरंदाजी खेळाडूंच्या कार्यमानावर होणाऱ्या परिणामांचा अभ्यास


Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies

Vol. 10, Issue -54

Yes 01 2319-4766 7.380
4 व्हॉलीबॉल खेळाडूंच्या समन्वय घटकावर योग प्रशिक्षणाचा होणारा परिणाम


Akshar Wangmay

International Research Journal UGC -CARE LISTED

Special Issue,

Vol. IV, July 2021

(Peer Reviewed)


Yes 01 2229-4929
5 पिस्तोल व रायफल शुटींग खेळाडूंच्या शारीरिक सुदृढतेचा तुलनात्मक अभ्यास


B. Aadhar Peer Reviewed & Refereed Indexed Multidisciplinary International Research Journal (August 2021) Issue no. 313 (CCCXIII) B Yes 02 2278-9308 7.675
6 पुणे जिल्ह्यातील महाविद्यालयीन युवकाच्या हृदयाचा दमदारपणा या आरोग्यधिष्ठीत शारीरिक सुदृढता घटकाच्या स्तराचा अभ्यास व मानांकन निर्मिती


B. Aadhar Peer Reviewed & Refereed Indexed Multidisciplinary International Research Journal (August 2021) Issue no. 313 (CCCXIII) B No

Corresponding Author

02 2278-9308 7.675
7 महाराष्ट्रातील वरिष्ठ गटातील रायफल व पिस्तोल शुटींग खेळाडूंचे

कार्यमान व शरीरमापन घटकाचा तुलनात्मक अभ्यास



An International Refereed, Peer Reviewed and Research Quarterly Journal in Arts, Commerce, Education Social Sciences

Yes 01 2277-8071 7.399
8 बास्केटबॉल खेळाडूंच्या एकाग्रतेवर योगाचा होणारा परिणाम अभ्यासणे


International Journal of Health, Physical Education & Computer Science in Sports Yes 01 2231-3265 7.217
9 National Education Policy: New Start for Physical Education and Sports


International Journal of Advance and Applied Research (IJAAR) Yes 01 2347-7075 7.328
10 Sports Education in Colleges and Facilities: A Future Perspective


Education and Society

(UGC CARE Listed Journal)

Yes 01 2278-6864
11 Practicing Yoga: The Transformative Instrument to Enhance Human Health Education and Society

(UGC CARE Listed Journal)

Issue No. 2,

January- March 2024

Yes 01 2278-6864

 Research Papers Presented in Conference/Seminar by Prof. D. P. Saudagar

Sr. No Title of the Article/ Paper Name of the Conference Place Level
1 रायफल व पिस्तोल शुटींग खेळाडूंच्या फुफ्फुस धारण क्षमतेचा तुलनात्मक अभ्यास


National Conference on Psychological Contributions in Sustainable Human Development in Sports, Organizations and Community Health VPSPM

Arts, Commerce & Science College, Kannad, Aurangabad


20th -21st  Dec 2019

Chapters in Edited Books and Books: 02

   Publications (other than Research Papers)

Sr. No. Title of the Book Title of the Chapter Name of the Publisher Month, Year ISBN No.
1 Sustainable Development for Society, Industrial Development, Material, Energy and Environment: Key Issues, Opportunities and Challenge Physical Fitness During Lockdown Period Among Undergraduate Students: A Survey




Jyotikiran Publication, Pune



Vol. II

March 2022

2  वैयक्तिक खेळ

नियम कारक कौशल्ये



Diamond Publications, Pune first Edition

March 2022


3 Relevance of Yoga Past Present and Future Understanding Yoga and Mental Health Sanskruti Publication, Latur first Edition

05th October 2023


 Academic Staff College Orientation / Refresher Course attended :

Name of the Course/               Place                    Duration                      Sponsoring Agency

Summer School



1.Refresher Course         UGC-ASC SP PUNE            04/07/2016-24/07/2016              UGC



2.Orientation Course      UGC-HRDC GOA               04/07/2017-31/07/2017               UGC