//Political Science Department Profile

Political Science Department Profile

  1. Name of the Department: Political Science
  2. Year of Establishment: 1984                           
  3. Names of Programmes / Courses offered  
UG PG Other
1984 Nil Nil
  1. Names and Participation of the departmentwith Interdisciplinary courses
Name of the Department Programme Course Name
Political Science 11161A 11161B Introduction to Indian Constitution
Political Science 112171-11272 Defense Organization of India India’s National Security
Political Science 23164  24164 An Introduction to political ideology
Political Science 23161  24161 Western Political Thoughts
Political Science 23162  24162 Political Journalism
Political Science 24165  24165 Basic of Indian  Constitution
Political Science 35164  36164 Local Self Government in Maharashtra
Political Science 35161 36161 Public Administration
Political Science 35162  36162 International Politics
Political Science 35165  36165 Sayukta Maharashtra Monument
  1. Number of teaching posts
Sanctioned Filled
Assistant Professors 02 02
  1. Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, specialization:
Name Qualification Designation Specialization No. of Years of


Dr D S Godage MA.BEd PhD Assistant Professor Political Science 24 Years
Prof P K Shinde MA,SET Assistant Professor Political Science  21Years

7.Faculty as members in a) National committees b) International Committees c) Editorial Boards: NSS 

8.Student projects:

9. Student progression : 13.33

10. SWOC analysis of the department and Future plans: (two points for each)

  • Strengths
The departmental faculty is  Fully qualified
The department has ICT tools and free internet facility that can help students to explore more updated information and initiate research work.
The teacher is also engaged in research activities and has published three research papers in journals.
  • Weaknesses
The department dose not have separate departmental library
The department does not have LCD Projector
  • Opportunities
To do more research  work in political science
To create awareness among the student about the political system  
To aware about the global professional opportunities           
  • Challenges
To improve the attendance of the political science students.
To create awareness about competitive world
  • Future Plan

                Long term plans: –    To start the Separate Competitive cell

                Short term plans: 1) To organize international level seminar

2) To organize study tour Vidhan sabha & Lok sahba

3) Visits to Z.P & Mahnagarpalika (MNC)